
  1. D. Wilcox, "robotcowboy,", in Mobile Music Workshop, Amsterdam NL: Waag Society, 2007.

  2. O. Ramos and D. Wilcox, "Experiments in Energy: 3 Technological Ritual Acts", in Digital Art Weeks, Zürich CH: ETH Zürich, 2007.

  3. D. Wilcox, "robotcowboy: A One Man Band Musical Cyborg", Master’s thesis, Gothenburg SE: Chalmers University of Technology, 2007.

  4. D. Wilcox, Heading to Mars. ISBN 2810000150197, Pittsburgh, PA: Self published, 2013.

  5. D. Wilcox, "Heading to Mars: MDRS Field Journal, Crew 119," in 17th Annual Mars Society Convention, Houston TX, 2014.

  6. D. Wilcox, "robotcowboy: Onward to Mars, A One Astronaut Space Rock Opera" in 17th Annual Mars Society Convention, Houston TX, 2014.

  7. D. Wilcox, "I'm Not An Astronaut But I Play One On TV", Master of Fine Arts thesis, Pittsburgh PA: Carnegie Mellon University, 2015.

  8. P. Brinkmann, D. Wilcox, T. Kirshboim, R. Eakin, and R. Alexander, "libpd: Past, Present, and Future of Embedding Pure Data", in PdCon2016~, New York NY, 2016.

  9. D. Wilcox, "PdParty: An iOS Computer Music Platform using libpd", in PdCon2016~, New York NY, 2016.

  10. D. Wilcox, "robotcowboy: 10 Years of Wearable Computer Rock", in NIME'18, Blacksburg VA, 2018.

Presentation Slides

  1. "PdParty: a mobile platform for computer music on iOS using Pure Data" in CMU Music Technology Seminar, Pittsburgh PA, Dec 2 2013.

  2. "libpd: Past, Present, and Future of Embedding Pure Data" at PdCon2016~, New York NY, Nov 17 2016.

  3. "PdParty: An iOS Computer Music Platform using libpd" at PdCon2016~, New York NY, Nov 18 2016.

  4. "robotcowboy: 10 Years of Wearable Computer Rock" at NIME'18, Blacksburg VA, 2018.

  5. "ShadowPlay: An exploration of light in outdoor spaces through sound" at Piksel 2022, Bergen NO, Nov 18 2022.

  6. "Dan Wilcox: 6 Years at ZKM 2017-2023" at ZKM (internal), Karlsruhe DE, Jul 26 2023.