Tending the green dome garden during a Martian sunrise

An experimental robotcowboy performance for sound dome and theremin during ZKM Open House 2025 as part of the ZKM Hertzlab's TURNS sound series in the Kubus. Sceneography by the ZKM Hertzlab.

Performance times: 11:30, 13:00, 15:00, & 17:00

ZKM Open House 2025

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
February 2nd 2025, 11:00 - 18:00

»Open Hertzlab - Am offenen Her(t)zen«

Fri December 15:00 – 18:00
ZKM | Hertzlab, 2nd floor, above the exhibition in atrium 8 + 9. Follow the LED lights!

Let's patch, twist, and modulate! Explore the sounds of analog synthesizers.

Sound artist and theater maker Siri Thiermann gives an analog synthesizer workshop. I will support by showing a similar approach in the digital realm using Pure Data.

Check zkm.de for more info.

© Photo: Siri Thiermann

Sonic Visions promo pic

Sat 26.10.2024 | 20:00 | franz.K

Audiovisual Performances

Three exciting performances with elements of sound/music/visuals as well as short introductions or interviews with the artists. The artists performing are:
robotcowboy (USA)
10 - 01 Audiovisuelle Interferenzen (DE)


Location: franz.K, Reutlingen DE

CAMP 24 flier

CAMP - Collaborative Arts and Music Project

With 15 artists from Ukraine, the USA and Germany, the 18th edition of the CAMP Festival will take place from September 4-7 at the Wagenhallen Stuttgart. In this unique art laboratory, new forms of artistic cooperation and presentation will be explored and practiced.


Location: Wagenhallen, Stuttgart DE

Individual performances: September 5th & 6th* @ 20:30
Group performances: September 7th @ 20:00

*robotcowboy will appear at the Fri September 6th show

If you are in Karlsruhe this weekend, I will be performaing and presenting at the 22nd annual Gulaschprogrammiernacht. Maybe I'll see some of you there?

Performance: "robotcowboy" 31 May 9pm in the GPN Lounge

Talk: "SpeedPitch & ShadowPlay: Two open source mobile-device apps for bicycles" 01 Jun 10am in the Lecture hall

"Goulash Programming Night" almost sounds like a cooking contest for sleep-deprived computer scientists. What started as a gathering of nerds in a basement in Karlsruhe in 2002, steadily grew into one of the largest events by the Chaos Computer Club. The topics are...

Ed Kelly and I bonded over computer music and a silly sense of humor. Although I only hung out with him a few times in person and we mainly communicated online over the years, it felt like I had always known him. I know things were not always easy for him, but he would push through with creative energy. He will be missed in the Pure Data community, through which I met him. Condolences to his friends and family in the UK and around the world.

Rest In Peace 1974 - 2024

- Dan Wilcox

robotcowboy @ ars electronica 2023

To recap the robotcowboy appearance at Ars Electronica, I present:

"Noble Brass" developed for the Oribotic Instrument, a novel foldable touch-based digital instrument by artist Matthew Gardiner (https://orilab.art). Demonstrated live @ the Ars Electronica Open Futurelab night on 9 Sep 2023 in the Deep Space. This piece was presented along with pieces by Anne Wichmann (Shes Excited!) & Miller Puckette.

Moble Brass demo live video

Noble Brass demo, prepared screen recording

Photos of the Open Futurelab night performances from Ars Electronica are available on the Flickr album.

For those going to the Ars Electronica Festival this year, I will be appearing as part of a project presentation at the Open Futurelab night performance on Sat 10 September:


I have been assisting with the Oribotics instruments project, a novel foldable touch-based digital instrument by artist Matthew Gardiner:



The instruments will be available in installation format on iPads running my PdParty application and via live presentation where I will appear for...

robotcowboy kamuna 2023

Every year in the beginning of August, Karlsruhe museums host the "KArlsruhe MUseumes NAcht" (KAMUNA) open house night from 6 pm to midnight.

This year, robotcowboy appeared at ZKM in Lichthof 8 on August 5th with a special PolyCloud sound piece performance where 16 mini-loudpseakers echoed sentiments of future museums while the performer read neo-poetry with an artificial voice to an attentive audience.

As part of my work at ZKM, I will be presenting at the EASTN-DC (European Art Science and Technology Network) Digital Creativity conference in Manchester UK, 25-30 Jun 2018.

robotcowboy will be presented and performed at the NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) 2018 conference, 3-6 Jun in Blacksburg, VA USA.

I will be presenting at this year's edition of the Gulaschprogrammiernacht (Goulash Programming Night) organized by Entropia e.V. (CCC Karlsruhe) in Karlsruhe DE from 10-13 May 2018.

As part of the annual ZKM "Tag der offenen Tür" (Open House), I gave a Pure Data workshop and participated in a live Next City Sounds electroacoustic set in the ZKM Kubus.

I presented robotcowboy & PdParty to Hans Koch's Synthesizing Sound class at the Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM) on 13 Dec 2017.

I performed as robotcowboy for the Giga-Hertz Award afterparty at ZKM, 25 Nov 2017. This was the first successful show using a new "robotcowboy 2.0" setup with my iPhone running PdParty and I had the honor of meeting award-winner Laurie Anderson. Mylar inflatable capsule by Anika Hirt.

From 26-29 Oct 2017, I will be showing an updated version of the Balloon Project at the lab30 Media Art Festival in Augsburg, Germany.

On 19 Oct 2017, we opened the latest exhibition at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) here in Karlsruhe, Open Codes: Living in Digital Worlds. I have two projects on the theme of algorithmic music exploration in the exhibition: MusiCode & LindenmayerExplorer.

One of my documentation images from Heading to Mars is featured on the cover of Cabinet, a quarterly magazine of arts and culture: Cabinet #63 The Desert. (See fullsize image here.)

As the saying goes: So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good bye.

After two great years in Denver as the Emergent Digital Practices Visiting Teaching Assistant Professor, I am pleased to announce my new 2-year position as "Artist-Scientist" in the Institute for Music and Acoustics at ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Live recording of a short jam session by participants using Pure Data in the MicroOrchestra workshop at the University of Denver Emergent Digital Practices program.

loaf: lua, osc, and openFrameworks

After multiple iterations over the years, I'm pleased to announce the release of loaf, a live-coding tool for openFrameworks using the Lua scripting language: http://danomatika.com/code/loaf

Trust Me: call the GOLDEN ASS on the red phone & argue for a drink

Trust Me, our cocktail robot for Roböxotica 2016, won the 18th Annual Cocktail Robot Award for Bartending Conversation. TREMENDOUS! See the project page for more info.

The playback speed of Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy announcements is controlled by balloon height. Balloon color is used to track each candidate: Trump (red) and Clinton (blue). This is an experiment using the original 2011 Balloon Project.

After years of on and off work, I’m pleased to announce PdParty 1.0.2 is available for download on the iOS App Store: http://danomatika.com/code/pdparty

PdParty is an open-source iOS application for running Pure Data patches on Apple mobile devices using libpd, supports OSC (Open Sound Control), MIDI, & MiFi game controller input, and implements the native Pd GUI objects for a WYSIWYG patch to mobile device experience.

robotcowboy will be performing at AutumnLEAF (Lafayette Electronic Arts Festival) 2016 with Oynx Ashanti, SUE-C, & Normal Ones. 7-8 Oct 2016 in Lafayette, CO (NW of Denver)

Small excerpt from what is being called the "first every recording of computer music" using a system programmed by Alan Turing in 1951. Pulled from the Guardian's Soundcloud.

I will be busy at PdCon16~, the 5th Pure Data convention in New York City, Nov 16-20 2016:

Thanks to a residency at the MuseumsQuartier Wien & sponsored by monochrom, Anika and I are working on a project called Auto Cucumber for Roböxotica 2016, the world's preeminent cocktail robot festival 8-11 Dec 2016 in Vienna, Austria. See you there!

list / rss / atom